Factor de impacto

8.100 JCR (2022) Q1

Journal Information

The International Journal of Management Reviews (IJMR) is the leading global review journal in Organisation and Management Studies (OMS). Papers published in IJMR seek to make significant conceptual contributions, offering a strategic platform for new directions in research and making a difference to how OMS scholars might conceptualise research in their respective fields. In reviews published in IJMR, the state of knowledge in a given field is critically evaluated, and conceptual underpinnings of competing paradigms critically appraised, with a view towards advancing current and future research in the area.. The journal covers all the main OMS sub-disciplines including, for example, Human Resource Management, Organisational Behaviour, International and Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship, Operations Management, Management Sciences, Information Systems and Technology Management, Accounting and Finance, and Marketing.

Editada por: Wiley ISSN: 1468-2370


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